Monday, December 7, 2009

A Home Solar Panels Success Story

Margaret C. was able to generate her own power in mid-central Vermont. This is her story:

About three years ago I noticed that the roof of one of my barns had an unencumbered southern exposure. After exploring some possibilities, I talked to GroSolar, a Vermont-based company that installs solar panels and had them come out to study my potential for producing solar power on a net-metering basis. As it turned out, my barn was a perfect location and had the potential to hold forty panels! That, of course, was way more than I could afford. I ended up contracting for 16, taking advantage of a State of Vermont subsidy and a federal tax credit to help with the cost. The panels were installed in May of 2007. The installation went smoothly and I have had no problems with the system since it was installed.

Since then I have only had to buy about 100 kwh of power (the first winter when I didn't have enough credits to get me through). Usually I generate quite a bit more power than I actually use. For example, I have enough accumulated credits to get me through this winter without generating another kwh until at least mid-March. You cannot imagine how much fun it is to watch your electric meter running backwards! My excess power goes to CVPS. At this point they don't pay me for it; but that is not really an issue for me as I feel I am harnessing the sun to help reduce reliance (even by only a tiny bit) on fossil fuels.

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